Web dev

PHP fake data generator

I am pleased to announce a new young PHP project called Fakerino.

Fakerino is a fake data generator and can generates every kind of data,
from simple Username and Password to complex financial functions.

The usage of Fakerino is mainly oriented to facilitate testing operation,
like fill forms, database population, TDD and BDD, and much more.

The logical approach is very simple, Fakerino allows the developer to extends custom fake data types, but also provides some basic default fake types.

Without any particular hack, Fakerino simply return a random string, thus If the develop would like to fake a math function not yet defined by Fakerino (or will make a wrong call),
simply the result will be a random string, this for prevent an empty value, and to allow a very quick use of the tool.

With a configuration file, Fakerino could also return a particular aggregation type of data,
for example if I want to generate fake data to describe a ”Person”, I could configure it and call it when I want.
The config file allow multiple configuration for different type of data, this for facilitate several calls.


pseudo conf example:

More information on the official github page: https://github.com/niklongstone/Fakerino


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